Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV Spot 3


Check out This Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV Spot 3! For TV!

I bet you thought the teasers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens would cease and you would be able to sleep without having to suffer through an overwhelming torrent of anticipation! Well, you are wrong again. Since the first TV spot was aired a couple weeks ago, J.J. Abrams has been on the move releasing set photos, action stills from the film and now a third Force Awakens TV spot.

This third TV spot for Force Awakens was much more action packed than the trailer and the previous international TV spot, showing explosions on Jakku, the First Order mobilizing, Finn fighting a storm trooper, Han Solo handing Rey a blaster and ‘General’ Leia looking especially authoritative. Who knows what else may surface until the film’s release on December 18th of this year. So, until then, check out the TV spot and breathe in the stills below!

Still from Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV Spot 3!
Finn wielding a lightsaber!
Still from Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV Spot 3!
That looks vaguely familiar..
Still from Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV Spot 3!
Is that General Ackbar off to the right?
Still from Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV Spot 3!
“No match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”
Still from Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV Spot 3!
Han Solo and Chewie: The Dynamic Duo