Now that Tim Miller said ‘Vaya con Dios’ to Deadpool 2, the director’s chair is vacant while the studio enters production on the highly anticipated sequel to 2016’s smash hit. While 20th Century Fox and star/producer Ryan Reynolds are busy searching tinseltown for the new director, I decided to save them time and came up with a shortlist of people who would make excellent replacements for Miller. So, here are the top six directors I’d like to see direct Deadpool 2.
6. Todd Phillips

Why he’d fit in: War Dogs, Old School and the Hangover.
Todd Phillips’ sense of humor would be a perfect fit for the merc with a mouth. Every one of his movies are filled with gross-out humor which Deadpool excelled at. Plus, most of Phillips’ films have an element of action to them like The Hangover, War Dogs and Starsky and Hutch. Say what you want about the sequels, but The Hangover and Old School are two of the funniest comedies to come out in a long time. His movies are also fast-paced and have jokes coming at you minute after minute.
5. Quentin TarantinoÂ

Why he’d fit in : Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill volumes 1 and 2
Granted there is already a Change.Org petition to get Tarantino on board for Deadpool 2, he makes this list for a few reasons. First, he is an excellent screenwriter who packs his scripts with a lot of detail. Secondly, all his movies are wonderfully shot (not that Deadpool wasn’t). Also, the Deadpool character is a wonderful hybrid of two of Tarintino’s most famous movies: Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill. With the element of Deadpool being a hitman (Pulp Fiction) and his quest for revenge against Francis (Kill Bill), and all his movies being full of pop culture references, Tarantino would be right at home with the merc with a mouth.
“Wait a minute. Didn’t someone on this very site write an article stating Tarantino wouldn’t be a good fit?”
Yeah, but different opinions make the world go round.
4. Sam RaimiÂ

Why he’d fit in: the original Spider-Man series and the Evil Dead series.
Sam Raimi not only directed one of the best sequels I have ever seen (Spider-Man 2), he also adds a strong sense of humor to all his movies. Raimi already has experience directing comic book-related movies, plus he acquired his directing chops with the Evil Dead series. Also, can you imagine Deadpool trading barbs with Raimi’s friend and frequent collaborator, Bruce Campbell? it’d be a fanboy’s dream come true!

3. Adam McKay

Why he’d fit in: The Other Guys and Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Not only did McKay direct one of the most quotable movies of the last decade (Anchorman), he also directed one of the best action-comedies to date with The Other Guys. While Deadpool was still in the development phase in 2010, I saw the Other Guys and thought McKay would be the perfect director for the job. He blends action and comedy seamlessly. Plus, his sense of humor would be perfect for Deadpool 2.
2. Phil Lord and Chris Miller

Why they’d fit in: the Jump Street series
I can honestly say I did not expect 21 Jump Street, or the sequel, to be nearly as funny as they were. All the self-parodying in that series, as well as their eye for action sequences, would be a great fit for Deadpool 2. Phil Lord and Chris Miller are also screenwriters, so I imagine they’d be fine collaborators with Deadpool screenwriters Rhett Reese and Chris Paul Wernick.
1. Seth MacFarlaneÂ

Why he’d fit in: the Ted series, Family Guy and American Dad
Honestly, I think MacFarlane is the best choice to direct Deadpool 2. Hear me out. First of all, he is one of the most talented writers and directors working today. “Really? You call a random joke about Back to the Future and Ruth Bader Ginsberg ‘talent’?”
Yeah, buddy. Secondly, MacFarlane already has a relationship with Fox, the company that broadcasts his hit show Family Guy. Third, he proved he can direct live-action movies and not just animated sitcoms with Ted and its 2015 sequel. Ted is actually the highest grossing original R rated comedy when it comes to international box office, while Deadpool is actually the second highest grossing R-rated movie in the US.
Also, MacFarlane’s humor and storytelling is a perfect fit for Deadpool 2. The first Deadpool is full of cutaway gags, a bunch of pop culture references (specifically Star Wars, which the Family Guy writing staff loves), and a bunch of absurd humor, all of which MacFarlane excels at. Not to mention, Reynolds guest starred on an episode of Family Guy and cameoed in Ted and 2014’s A Million Ways to Die in the West, which MacFarlane also wrote and directed. So, they have an established working relationship and I don’t think it will take much convincing to get MacFarlane on board.
So there is my list of directors who I think should replace Tim Miller for Deadpool 2. Have any different directors in mind? Let me know in the comment section below!