Wolverine’s Ride Is Riddled with Bullets in Latest Wponx Image

Wolverine's Ride Is Riddled with Bullets in Latest Wponx Image
Wear THIS, and accept that bullets are more prevalent than hugs.

Yep, it’s another ominous image shared by the wponx Instagram account granting us depressing looks at the world of LOGAN, Hugh Jackman’s final Wolverine film inhabiting a future without X-Men, hope, or a striking pallet of inspirational colors. Today’s image, simply captioned “BULLET,” features a look at what appears to be Logan’s limousine, his means of making “money” in a world where currency might inlude human hair. Anyway, OBSERVE!




A photo posted by @wponx on


Yep, it’s probably Logan’s limo, and I’m quite sure transporting unseemly businessmen (“gangsters”) results in a lot of gunplay, both inside AND outside of Wolverine’s muffler-deficient transport ostensibly used for luxurious travel, but mostly employed as a land-faring gunboat.

And, it doesn’t help that he’s carrying around the greatest X-person of them all, Charles Xavier, or the apple of geneticist Nathaniel Essex’s eye, X-23. The Reavers, employed by Essex, are probably going to shoot the hell out of Wolverine, those standing in close proximity to Wolverine, and any and all devices/vehicles aiding Wolverine’s escape. The car, unfortunately, is simply a target of association.

LOGAN currently has a release date of March 3rd, 2017 and stars Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Dafne Keen, Boyd Holbrook, Richard E. Grant, Stephen Merchant, Eriq La Salle and Elise Neal