X-Men: Apocalypse/ Donald Trump Mash-Up. It’s the ‘Trumpocalypse’


An enemy whose influence grows every day. He continues to get stronger as he slowly claws his way into power. No, it’s not Apocalypse… it’s even worse. It’s Donald Trump. Thanks to Max Goodrich’s youtube page, we got an X-Men: Apocalypse/Donald Trump mash-up no one needed in their life. It’s a perfect blend of news bites, X-Men action and crazy Donald Trump videos (there are plenty of those). The faux-trailer is amazing… even if I personally think it should have been called “Trumpocalypse”.

Politics is nothing new to the Marvel Universe. There was that time President Barack Obama was hanging out with Spider-Man. The Commander in Chief also has its place in the current X-Men movie timeline. Richard Nixon had a big role in Days of Future Past and was almost assassinated by Mystique. Also, let’s not forget that Magneto was in a hidden prison under the Pentagon accused of killing Kennedy (which was crazy, since Kennedy was a mutant all along). Presidents and comics go hand-in-hand.

Marvel and politics. Together!
Marvel and politics. Together!

As for Donald Trump; not since Doctor Doom booted Jimmy Carter out of office has the White House faced such a dire threat. Perhaps it is time the X-Men come to the rescue to save the nation (as someone who works in a newsroom, I am really hoping something like this that can happen). Perhaps just like the ending of Trump: Apocalypse, a leader rises to lead a battle against the monolithic mogul. Professor Sanders I presume?

Dr. Doom V Jimmy Carter!
Dr. Doom V Jimmy Carter!

With the current presidential race playing out like a bad comedy-turned-reality, it’s great that so many parody videos are emerging, proving that at the very least… American’s can laugh at the situation. Now, if only there’s a way we can actually get a certain Asgardian into the White House. Loki… you’re our only hope.

Loki is our man in 2016!
Loki is our man in 2016!