Brand Spanking New Westworld Trailer from HBO


Ever since Game of Thrones entered the Long Night between Season Finale and Season Premier, there has been a gap in the lives of HBO viewers. What could we possibly do while waiting to see what happens in the epic finale of the George RR Martin tale? How about taking solace in the works of another famous author…Michael Crichton’s Westworld! The above video is the brand spanking new Westworld trailer and let’s just say that it is a wee bit haunting!

Based off of the famous 1976 film by Michael Crichton, Westworld follows a special amusement park inhabited by immensely complex androids. However, things start to go horribly wrong as Ed Harris starts to stir up trouble! Well, it is probably more than that but hey! That’s what we are going with. Any-who, if ‘advanced amusement park goes haywire’ sounds like a familiar plot it is because it is! You might be familiar with Michael Crichton’s other work…Jurassic Park, anyone? Ah, I can tell by that glint in your eye that you know exactly what I’m talking about!

This new Westworld trailer features some pretty heavy acting. I think between Ed Harris, Evan Rachel Wood, and Anthony Hopkins in the new Westworld trailer, we will be set! The only real question is how many seasons could something like Westworld go? At least we will get one heck of a vacation out of it! (There’s an old school movie reference for you).

Westworld arrives on HBO on October 16th, 2016 and stars Anthony Hopkins, Evan Rachel Wood, Thandie Newton, James Marsden, Jeffrey Wright, Rodrigo Santoro, Clifton Collins Jr. and Ed Harris as the Gunslinger. Westworld was produced by J.J. Abrams, Jonathan Nolan, and Jerry Weintraub.