Flash Season 2 Zoom Trailer


As the start of CW’s Flash season 2 approaches, we get more and more little teasers of information, and this particular 30 second trailer shows off the Flash, Firestorm, Jay Garrick, and….gasp…Zoom! Yes, we won’t be getting the Reverse Flash, we will be getting Zoom! Will he be a Professor is the real question…or perhaps he earns his doctorate during the Flash Season 2 and becomes so indebted that he has to turn to super villainy. That happens fairly often, doesn’t it?

Parsing through the information presented in this great trailer, you can see Barry Allen and Jay Garrick address each other as their respective monikers, “‘Scarlet Speedster,” says Barry. “Crimson Comet,” Garrick responds. You also get to see Firestorm conversing with his…um…other half and the Flash talking with that well rounded and extremely expressive Captain Cold (suuuuure). Of course the biggest kicker to all of this is Zoom! Do you think that Zoom will be able to pose more of a threat than the Reverse Flash, and what do you think of the Jay Garrick and Flash team-up? What will it be like with TWO Flashes running around? Flash Season 2 starts up on October 6th! GET EXCITED!!!