The Meatman Cometh! Jackie Earle Haley Cast as Preacher Villain


Yep, AMC’s Preacher recently added another capable actor to its already considerably talented actor pool in the form Jackie Earle Haley! What colorful, hyper-violent, psychotically impaled Preacher character will Haley be inhabiting? Why, he’ll be portraying Preacher villain Odin Quincannon.

If you’ve read Vertigo’s Preacher comic book series (and if you haven’t you really should), you’re very familiar with Quincannon and his aptly applied moniker: the Meatman. Quincannnon was a proud member of the KKK and held the town of Salvation, Texas in his curmudgeonous, ‘meaty’ palms. Yes, he was a BIG d-bag, which put him in constant conflict with newly appointed sheriff, Jesse Custer. Of course, this being Preacher and a direct, unimpeded download of writer Garth Ennis’ ever bending brain, Quincannon expressed some very odd behavioral patterns, specifically, a predilection towards copulating with a meat-made mannequin. Yup.

AMC’s press release described the character thusly:

(Odin is a) “decrepit man with the unscrupulous iron will necessary to be the most powerful man in Annville County, Texas. The chief employer in town, Odin runs Quincannon Meat & Power, a 125-year-old family run cattle slaughterhouse business.”

So they changed the locale a bit, but I’m sure they’ll keep the same amount of crazy. Hopefully.

And I’m sure you’re already familiar with some of Haley’s work. Yeah, he was a child star in the 70s appearing in movies like Bad News Bears, but his most memorable performance – for me, anyway – was donning the eerily mutable mask of Rorschach, the often laconic, brutal vigilante beating evil senseless in Zack Snyder’s Watchmen adaptation.

Psyched for AMC’s Preacher? No? You should be.