Bioshock Collection Has Entire Series and All DLC


“A man asks…a slave obeys!” Ever wonder what it would be like to be let loose in a failed utopian society at the bottom of the ocean that happens to be populated by crazy people? Then look no further because the Bioshock Collection is coming to PS4, Xbox 1, and PC! What is the Bioshock Collection? How about remastered versions of the original Bioshock, Bioshock 2, and Bioshock Infinite! Oh, and you also get all of DLC too except the multiplayer aspect of Bioshock 2. Guess nobody wants to host that server anymore, eh?

If you have never played any of the Bioshock series then now is the time! One of the most critically acclaimed game series of all time, Bioshock is the brainchild of Ken Levine. You Bioshock collectionmay recognize that name as the creator of System Shock which was the predecessor of Bioshock. Either way, the Bioshock Collection is definitely one to pick up. I know I will for my console…and I already own all of that on PC! On a special note, if you do own the games already on PC then you will be provided a free remastering of all of them. Pretty sweet! Now, would you kindly go ahead and watch the above video?

As per the video’s description, “Coming this Fall, BioShock: The Collection takes you back to Rapture and Columbia in 1080p. The Collection includes all single-player content from BioShock, BioShock 2, and BioShock Infinite, all single-player add-on content, the “Columbia’s Finest” pack, and Director’s Commentary: Imagining BioShock, featuring Ken Levine and Shawn Robertson.

Rated Mature: Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco

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