E3 Announcements for 2016

Skyrim Remake
The Dovalkin in Skyrim

This previous weekend saw the start of the famous E3 conference. Typically hosted during the end of May or the beginning of June, E3 is an industry-online convention that has the titans of the video game industry bring out their big guns for the next year. We always get tons of trailers, information, and reveals from E3 announcements. This year was no different and saw some really interesting E3 announcements…like upgrades to the PS4 and Xbox One in the form of 4k versions. Don’t worry – it isn’t a completely new system, just one for you people who can’t get enough technology, or want to jump on the VR bandwagon as soon as it pulls up.

Other fantastic E3 announcements include a new Quake game, as well as Dishonored, Conan, Injustice, Final Fantasy, and many others. I’m most excited about the Skyrim remake; I could never get enough of that game and I’m sure many of you feel the same. There’s simply too much news to cover but thanks to the mighty IGN, we have this massive list of all of the E3 announcements as well as links to the trailers and/or pre-orders! Enjoy!

PS3 / PS4 / Vita Wii U / 3DS Xbox One / 360 PC

Games confirmed to appear in playable form on the show floor or in demonstration settings are marked with a † symbol. An asterisk * denotes a game appearing at an off-site conference near E3.

Game Platforms E3 Trailer Pre-Order
100ft Robot Golf† PSVR, PS4
Absolver[1] PS4, Xbox One, PC Absolver E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Abzu† PC, PS4
Agents of Mayhem PC, PS4, Xbox One Agents of Mayhem E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Aragami† PC, PS4
Attack on Titan PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS Vita, PS3
Battlefield 1†* PC, PS4, Xbox One Pre-Order
Battlezone† PSVR
Black the Fall† [1] PC
Brut@l† PS4
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Xbox One, PC, PS4 Pre-Order
Conan Exiles PC, PS4, Xbox One Conan Exiles E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Corpse Party 3DS
Cryptark† PS4, PC
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI PC Pre-Order
Destiny: Rise of Iron PS4, Xbox One Rise of Iron E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Darkest Dungeon† PS4, PS Vita, PC
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided† [1] Xbox One PS4, PC Pre-Order
Dishonored 2 Xbox One, PC, PS4 Dishonored 2 E3 2016 Gameplay Trailer Pre-Order
Collector’s Edition
Don’t Starve: Together† PS4, PC
Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past 3DS Pre-Order
Elder Scrolls Legends PC, iOS Elder Scrolls Legends E3 2016 Trailer
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition PC, PS4, Xbox One Skyrim Special Edition E3 2016 Announcement Trailer Pre-Order
Eitr† PS4, PC
EVE Valkyrie† PC, PSVR
Everest VR HTC Vive
Exile’s End Wii U, PS4, PS Vita
Fallout Shelter (PC) PC
Fate/EXTELLA The Umbral Star PS4, PS Vita
Fe TBA Fe E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
FIFA 17†* Xbox One, PC, PS4 FIFA 17 The Journey E3 Trailer Pre-Order
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age PS4 FFXII HD E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Final Fantasy XV† PS4, Xbox One Pre-Order
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius † Android, iOS
For Honor Xbox One, PS4, PC Pre-Order
Forza Xbox One, possibly PC
Furi† PS4, PC
Gnog† PS4, PC
Gravity Rush 2† [1] PS4
Guilty Gear XRD – Revelator PS4, PS3 Pre-Order
Harmonix Music VR† PSVR Harmonix Music VR E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Harvest Moon: Skytree Village† 3DS
Headlander† PC, PS4
Headmaster† PSVR
Hitman† [1] PS4, PC, Xbox One Pre-Order
How We Soar PSVR How We Soar E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
I Am Setsuna† [1] PS4, PC
Just Cause 3† [1] PS4, PC, Xbox One Pre-Order
Killing Floor 2† PS4, PC Pre-Order
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 PS4 Kingdom Hearts 2.8 E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
King of Fighters XIV† PS4 Pre-Order
Let It Die† PS4
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2 PS3, PS Vita Pre-Order
Legend of Zelda for Wii U Wii U Pre-Order
Loot Rascals† PC, PS4
Madden NFL 17 †* PS4, Xbox One Madden NFL 17 E3 Trailer Pre-Order
Mafia 3 PC, Xbox One, PS4 Mafia 3 E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Manifold Garden† PS4, PC
Masquerada: Songs and Shadows† PS, PS4
Mass Effect Andromeda Xbox One, PS4, PC Mass Effect Andromeda Behind the Scenes Trailer
Monster Hunter Generations 3DS Pre-Order
Mother Russia Bleeds† PS4, PC
Moto Racer 4 Xbox One, PS4, PC
Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord PC
NHL 17†* Xbox One, PS4 Pre-Order
Night in the Woods† PC, PS4
Nioh PS4
Persona 5 PS4, PS3 Pre-Order
Quake Champions PC Quake Champions E3 2016 Reveal Trailer
Prey PC, Xbox One, PS4 Prey E3 2016 Trailer
Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin† PSVR
Pokemon Sun and Moon 3DS Pre-Order
Rain World† PS4, PC
Raw Data PC – HTC Vive
Rez Infinite† PSVR
River City: Tokyo Rumble† 3DS
Shadow Warrior 2† PC, PS4, Xbox One Pre-Order
Shantae: Half Genie Hero Wii U, PS4, PS Vita
Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate PS Vita Pre-Order
Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice 3DS Sonic Boom E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness† [1] PS4, PS3 Pre-Order
Star Wars Battlefront 2 TBA Star Wars Behind the Scenes E3 2016 Trailer
Star Wars (Respawn) TBA
Star Wars (Visceral) TBA
Statik PSVR Statik E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns 3DS
Styx: Shards of Darkness PC, PS4, Xbox One Shards of Darkness E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Super Hypercube† PSVR
Syberia 3 PS4, Xbox One, PC
The Turing Test† [1] Xbox One, PC
The Walking Dead: Season Three PC, Xbox One, PS4 Season Three E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Thumper† PS4, PC
Titanfall 2†* PS4, Xbox One, PC Titanfall 2 Single-Player Trailer Pre-Order
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Wii U Pre-Order
Touhou: Genso Wanderer PS4 Genso Wanderer E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Touhou: Scarlet Curiousity PS4
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands Xbox One, PS4, PC Pre-Order
Volume: Coda PSVR Volume: Coda E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Valentino Rossi: The Game † PC, PS4, Xbox One Pre-Order
Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor: Martyr PS4, Xbox One, PC
Watch Dogs 2 PC, PS4, Xbox One Watch Dogs E3 2016 Trailer Pre-Order
Wayward Sky† PSVR
Wild Guns: Reloaded PS4
Xing: The Land Beyond† PC, PS4
Yakuza 0† PS4, PS3
Yesterday Origins PS4, Xbox One, PC
Yooka Laylee [1] Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, PC Yooka-Laylee E3 2016 Trailer
Zero Time Dilemma PS Vita, Nintendo 3DS, PC Pre-Order