New LEGO Avengers!


Do you yearn to play with awesome LEGOS and your favorite Marvel characters, but you are terrified of actual LEGOS and would much rather play video games? Yeah? Can’t say that I blame you…one of the most distinctive pains any mortal can know is that of placing a foot upon one of those jagged little pieces of plastic, but I digress; we are here to talk about LEGOS!

The above is a freshly minted trailer for LEGO Marvel Avengers, which is sure to have an insane roster of characters. I think every single one of those LEGO games gets more and more intricate with that many more characters. This particular one is based on the movies and will be released January 26th (barring anything Loki does). What does that mean? LEGO Marvel Avengers will have stuff from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: First Avenger, Iron Man, Iron Man 2: The Adventures of Mickey Rourke, Iron Man 3: Escape from Guy Pearce, Thor, Thor 2: What Happened To The Dark Elves, Avengers, and Avengers 2: Electric Boogaloo. Actually, some of those aren’t really the names but you get the point! What kind of characters would you like to see in the next epic installment of LEGO based shenanigans?