Paramount to Create a Shared Hasbro Movie Universe

Paramount to Create a Shared Hasbro Movie Universe

Just in case you weren’t tired of shared Universes, Paramount is circling its wagons to create a shared universe out of several Hasbro properties. The reported universe will be home to such Hasbro favorites as G.I. Joe, Micronauts, Visionaries, M.A.S.K. and ROM.

You read that right; we may yet see everyone’s favorite Space Knight on a big screen duking it out with Baron Karza.

Or something like that.

The writer’s room is a “who’s who,” including Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Chabon (Spider-Man 2), Brian K. Vaughan (Saga) and Nicole Perlman (Guardians of the Galaxy).

The talent doesn’t stop there. Also in the writers’ room for the initial meeting were Lindsey Beer (Kingkiller Chronicle), Cheo Coker (Luke Cage), John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein (Spiderman:  Homecoming), Joe Robert Cole (Black Panther), Jeff Pinkner (The Dark Tower), Nicole Riegel (Dogfight) and Geneva Robertson (Tomb Raider).

Avika Goldsman (A Beautiful Mind) will oversee the writers’ room for Paramount and Hasbro and serve as executive producer of the films. Goldsman already serves Hasbro in a similar capacity on the Transformers movies.

There will also be Hasbro artists in the meeting to work on concept artwork for the project.

The group’s first meeting will be held on Monday on the Paramount lot.

There is no word yet if Paramount plans to roll Transformers into this shared universe.

Can you just imagine the toys based on these movies based on toys??

What do you think of the idea of a shared Hasbro universe??

Tell us in the comments below.