Supergirl and Arrow Unite in New Teaser Image for Arrow’s 100th Episode

Supergirl and Arrow Unite in New Teaser Image for Arrow's 100th Episode
Supergirl and Arrow Unite in New Teaser Image for Arrow's 100th Episode
Stalking rooftops has never looked so…painterly.

Stephen Amell’s (Green) Arrow is, in a manner, responsible for initiating the shared, DC-TV universe heralded by The CW network (colloquially referred to as “The Arrow-verse”). And Stephen Amell is usually quite generous when it comes to sharing news regarding the goings-on within The CW’s DC universe, and of course, his own archer-themed series. Continuing his trend as the public’s “inside man,” Stephen Amell shared a teaser image for Arrow’s 100th episode featuring himself (as Arrow, of course) standing side by side with Supergirl. OBSERVE!


Supergirl and Arrow Unite in New Teaser Image for Arrow's 100th Episode
WE have a lot to discuss….

What’s the backstory? Well, it just so happens Arrow’s 100th episode occurs smack-dab in the middle of The CW’s 4-part crossover involving Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl. Apparently, this all-encompassing mega-event explains how Supergirl’s universe aligns itself with “The Arrow-verse.” Think of it as a Crisis-type story that may or may not include a giant, universe-annihilating monstrosity referred to as the Anti-Monitor.

Arrow Season 5 returns to The CW on October 5th, starring Stephen Amell as the Green Arrow/Oliver Queen (1/2 of “Olicity”), David Ramsey as John Diggle, Willa Holland as Thea Queen, Paul Blackthorne as Quentin Lance, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak (1/2 of “Olicity”), John Barrowman as Malcolm Merlyn, Prometheus as Prometheus, Rick Gonzales as Wild Dog, Echo Kellum as Michael Holt/ Mr. Terrific, and Madison McLaughlin as Artemis/ Evelyn Sharp.

Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist as Supergirl/Kara Danvers, Tyler Hoechlin as Superman/Clark Kent/Kal-El, Calista Flockheart as Cat Grant, Mehcad Brooks as James Olsen, Chyker Leigh as Alex Danvers, Jeremy Jordan as Winn Schott, and David Harewood as the g-darn Martian Manhunter!