New Avengers #1 Preview

New Avengers
New Avengers

I guess that whole ‘Mandarin’ thing didn’t turn out too well, eh? I only say that because it looks like Advanced Idea Mechanics will no longer be as such, since the ‘A’ stands for Avengers! Where will Guy Pearce (because yes, we’re referencing Iron Man 3) live now? Taking the formerly evil organization of AIM and reforming it, Marvel has now released this awesome preview for a whole brand new Avengers team! Hey, I’m just happy to continue seeing Squirrel Girl.

Welcome to Avengers Idea Mechanics – Your First Look at NEW AVENGERS #1!

New York, NY—September 18th, 2015 — This October – the old order changeth, and everything is new! Today, Marvel is pleased to present your look inside NEW AVENGERS #1 – the new ongoing series from Al Ewing and Gerardo Sandoval! Bobby DaCosta a.k.a. Sunspot, now the leader of formerly evil super-science organization A.I.M. is about to change the world. And that starts with the new Avengers Idea Mechanics! A scientific global rescue squad of tomorrow’s heroes, operating outside the jurisdiction of any government. America doesn’t want them! S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn’t know what to do with them! But Sunspot, Squirrel Girl, Hawkeye, Wiccan, Hulkling, Songbird, Pod, Power Man & White Tiger might just be Earth’s last hope. New team! New mission! New Avengers! Welcome to Avengers Idea Mechanics.

 NEW AVENGERS #1 (AUG150790)

Written by AL EWING


Variant Cover by MICHAEL CHO (AUG150791)

Hip-Hop Variant by ED PISKOR (AUG150792)

Blank Variant Also Available (AUG150793)

FOC – 09/21/15, On-Sale 10/14/15