Squadron Supreme #9 Review: A Tale of Two Zardas

Squadron Supreme #9 Review: A Tale of Two Zardas

Over the past couple of months, Squadron Supreme has placed its focus on Nighthawk and Doctor Spectrum. It’s been good for character development. This month, Squadron Supreme #9 turns our attention to the Squadron’s Benedict Arnold, Warrior Woman.

  • Writer:  James Robinson
  • Artists:  ACO, Hugo Petrus, Leonardo Romero


In Squadron Supreme issue #4 it was revealed that the woman known as Power Princess was, in fact, Warrior Woman of the Squadron Sinister. She was in league with Doctor Druid and Modred.


In the new title’s latest issue, we learn that Warrior Woman has, along with Modred, transformed the country of Alambra into her base of operation on Earth-Prime. She has also taken control of the alien underworld organization known as the Myriad.

In a very Ozymandias moment, Warrior Woman looks upon her works and dismays. Why does she dismay? Well, Modred brings her two problematic pieces of news. One, she needs Namor to fulfill her destiny. Two, someone from her past is going to return to oppose her.

The problem with number one? The Squadron Supreme killed Namor in issue #2.

The second problem? Modred doesn’t know who is coming for revenge.

As Warrior Woman reveals her backstory, it becomes obvious that list is going to be long.


And therein lies the beauty of this Civil War II tie-in issue. It’s actually two different stories told by the same person from two different worlds. The issue’s first half is told by Warrior Woman and includes information on the fate of her team, the Squadron Sinister. It also shows us how she stole the powers of Power Princess and left her for dead while in limbo between worlds.

Of course, like any good villain, Warrior Woman didn’t make sure Power Princess was dead and she wasn’t. Now, depowered and on Earth-Prime, Power Princess is using the lessons she learned from Nighthawk (original Squadron Supreme version) to wage war on the Myriad and work her way to a revenge-filled confrontation with Warrior Woman.

Got all that?


James Robinson does a lot of heavy lifting in this two-part story. He fills in blanks from early issues of Squadron Supreme and sets up the dynamics of the story moving forward. All of this is done without any members of this iteration of the Squadron Supreme actually appearing in their own book.

One aspect of this book that I’m really enjoying is the concept of the Myriad. A vast underground network of stranded aliens working together toward a still undefined, nefarious end? That’s good stuff. Think about it: aliens have been coming to Earth since the second issue of Fantastic Four back in 1962. Kudos to Robinson for tugging on that string. I’m excited to see where it goes.

All in all, this was a really good issue for Squadron Supreme. While I’m sad to know that Power Princess is the only survivor of the original Squadron, I’m hopeful that her arrival will return us to the action of the title’s first few issues.