Yes! The 12 Days of Deadpool Celebration continues! The new Deadpool trailer is coming, and the 12 Days of Deadpool promotion grants us additional, daily slivers of delightful Deadpool debauchery before the official trailer debuts on Christmas day! Yay, Deadpool! So, what awesome, auspicious, arousing Deadpoolery are we subjected to today? Why, the official IMAX Movie Poster. See below!

Check it out! Looks like we have Deadpool riding on the shoulders of giants, specifically one giant whose name is Colossus. Do you think Colossus is enjoying himself? I get the feeling he’s not, although it’s pretty hard to discern any emotional responses from an overly serious fellow sporting vague expressions set in immovable, organic metal. Yup.
Taking another cursory scan, it looks like we have Deadpool in pre-Deadpool mode (Wade Wilson), his incredibly beautiful wife, his incredibly acerbic best friend, the gifted Negasonic Teenage Warhead (she recently dreamed about your death), Blind Al, Stan Lee (of course), the crazy doctor-guy who was directly responsible for Wade’s torturous transformation, and…the crazy doctor-guy’s assistant. Maybe. Yep, it’s the whole ding darn cast!
Ready? You know what I’m asking about, so stop being coy. I’ll ask again. READY???? YES?? GOOD!!
Armed with accelerated healing powers and a twisted sense of humor, former mercenary Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) goes in search of the man who nearly destroyed his life.
Directed by Tim Miller, Deadpool debuts February 12, 2016 (USA)