Deadpool Presents: The OFFICIAL Deadpool T-Shirt Giveaway!

Deadpool T-Shirt Giveaway!


It’s me! Which me? Me, me! Deadpool! If you still have both your eyes, a beating heart, functioning thumbs and unblocked sinuses, then I’m sure you’re aware that as of yesterday, I recently became the New Editor in Chief of this fine internet-based, breaking news, informally informative website-thing. Yup. In the announcement celebrating my absolute rule over all monkeys currently thumbing keys to squirt out poorly conceived stories, I mentioned the inclusion of more Deathpool-themed giveaways and promotions.

Well, here’s one: enter your name in the…uh….name-entry-robot below and you could win yourself one ABSOLUTELY FREE Deadpool Class Assassin 30 Single T-Shirt! Starting now, and until 2/2/2016 at 2pm EST, you can enter your name once a freaking day to win yourself this cooler-than-your-rocket-slippers Deadpool t-shirt featuring me, Deadpool, looking especially dangerous and deliciously dapper! So, yes, one lucky winner will…win, obviously… this super-cool t-shirt. Now…FEED YOUR NAME TO THE NAME-EATING ROBOT!

a Rafflecopter giveaway