New Civil War T-Shirts: Phase 3!

New Civil War T-Shirts Phase 3!

It’s another batch of Captain America: Civil War t-shirts for your inspection and perusal, with the ultimate goal being a complete transference of ownership when you complete your purchase! Anyway, Civil War hits May 6th and we here at The Source are choosing teams, ending friendships and ravaging Facebook accounts in order to properly express our particular alliances! Personally, I’m Team Iron Man. Why? Because Iron Man + Black Panther = the complete decimation of any and all adversaries! Anyway, we’re psyched for Civil War, and we’re going to pass along the burgeoning effervescence of anticipation with this brand new batch of Civil War T-Shirts! OBSERVE!!

It’s the Captain America Civil War Patriotic T-Shirt!

It's the Captain America Civil War Patriotic T-Shirt!
It’s the Captain America Civil War Patriotic T-Shirt! CLICK IMAGE FOR DETAILS!

Made from 100% cotton, this black t-shirt features an image of Chris Evans’ strapping Captain America placed directly in front of a distressed, draping, blotted and smudged American flag. This probably represents Cap’s new tenuous perspective towards America as he rationalizes his filthy, traitorous leanings! TRAITOR!

It’s the Captain America Civil War Black Panther Shot T-Shirt!

Captain America Civil War Black Panther Shot T-Shirt
Captain America Civil War Black Panther Shot T-Shirt. CLICK IMAGE FOR DETAILS!

Made from 100% cotton, this black t-shirt homes in on the aesthetic beauty of Panther’s vibranium-stitched costume. Ok, wait; it’s not actually a costume but the ceremonial garb of Wakanda’s King, who also happens to be the leader of the Black Panther tribe. Who also happens to be the leader in kicking nine kinds of @$$ because he’s more awesome than…everyone.

It’s the Captain America Stained Glass Shield Women’s T-Shirt!

Captain America Stained Glass Shield Women's T-Shirt
Captain America Stained Glass Shield Women’s T-Shirt. CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE DETAILS!

Made from 65% polyester and 35% rayon, this very soft blue t-shirt features a Captain America shield mimicking the appearance of stained glass. Yes, only the finest colored glass was looked at for 75 minutes before illustrating a shield symbol that looked like stained glass!

It’s the Marvel Civil War Women’s V-Neck T-Shirt! 

Marvel Civil War Women's V-Neck T-Shirt
Marvel Civil War Women’s V-Neck T-Shirt. CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE DETAILS!

It’s made from 100% cotton! It’s a v-neck! It features Cap’s shield AFTER Iron Man discharged a barrage of Repulsor-bolts in Cap’s general direction. Yes, Cap’s shield deflected 86% of the slicing Repulsor energy shafts away from his bread-box (WHEW!), but the 14% that made contact? Well, let’s say Cap needs a little help feeding himself and can’t quite remember how to sneeze without coughing up intestines.

Check out our COMPLETE LINE of Captain America: Civil War Merchandise! And if you see Cap on the street, CALL THE POLICE!