New Suicide Squad POP Vinyl Figures (Part 1)!

New Suicide Squad POP Vinyl Figures (Part 1)!

It’s DC’s Suicide Squad rendered in inappropriately cute, uncharacteristic caricatures! Members of the Suicide Squad are either tasked with beheading Superman, or blowing the hell out of less manageable malcontents who either attempt global genocide, or refuse Amanda Waller’s invitation to join the sanctioned belligerence of Task Force X! Anyway, the Suicide Squad represents some seriously rough customers who have no business being reproduced as Suicide Squad POP vinyl figures. NONE WHATSOEVER! But…they exist, we have them, and they’re mother-f##king cute as all get out. OBSERVE!

Suicide Squad Joker Funko Pop Vinyl Figure!

Suicide Squad Joker Funko Pop Vinyl Figure!
Suicide Squad Joker Funko Pop Vinyl Figure! CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE DETAILS!

Measuring 4″ tall, Jared Leto’s Joker is hip, cool, and adorned in tattoos representing each and every stop on the last 12 Metallica tours. Wait, if we’re talking hip, then forget Metallica; I meant to say Imagine Dragons. Yeah, he added tattoos to celebrate every live, Imagine Dragons performance. Yup.

It’s the Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Funko Pop Vinyl Figure!

It's the Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Funko Pop Vinyl Figure!
It’s the Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Funko Pop Vinyl Figure! CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE DETAILS!

“She’s a bad guy (girl)! That’s what they (or she) does (do)!” Yep, Harley Quinn, at long last, is granted a live-action iteration with the help of actress Margot Robbie. Can she pull off the ferociously independent but emotionally co-dependent, chaotically colored queen of overly rambunctious….uh…chaos? Hmmmm. Maybe. She looks the part, can shriek like a banshee and can swing a bat better than a three-armed Joe DiMaggio. She’s like….95% of the way there.

It’s the Suicide Squad El Diablo Funko Pop Vinyl Figure!

 Suicide Squad El Diablo Funko Pop Vinyl Figure!
Suicide Squad El Diablo Funko Pop Vinyl Figure! CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE DETAILS!

It’s El Diablo! His POP Vinyl iteration measures 4″ tall and does NOT shoot voluminous fire under duress! I mean, you can shake him, spin him, and ask the Deadshot vinyl figure to incentivize him under threat of expertly launched wrist-rockets. And that’s all I have to say about El Diablo.

It’s the Suicide Squad Rick Flag Funko Pop Vinyl Figure!

It's the Suicide Squad Rick Flag Funko Pop Vinyl Figure!
It’s the Suicide Squad Rick Flag Funko Pop Vinyl Figure! CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE DETAILS!

Measuring 4″ high, this POP Vinyl iteration of the squad’s field commander somehow loses his authoritative air when rendered in super-cute, round and spongy soft vinyl. In this particular form, Rick Flag looks more suited to lead a mission in securing butterscotch ice cream. Or something.

Today was Part I; stay tuned for more Suicide Squad POP Vinyl figures for tomorrow’s Part II!