3 Characters Stallone Could Play in The Suicide Squad


What’s the latest with James Gunn? “Always love working with my friend @officialslystallone & our work today on #TheSuicideSquad was no exception,” Gunn posted on Instagram. “Despite Sly being an iconic movie star, most people still don’t have any idea what an amazing actor this guy is.”


After that, Sly responded with “James, coming from a tireless and amazing Director, I consider that to be the Paramount of compliments!” He also posted that “Working with this incredible Director on this astounding project has made this an amazing year. I am a very lucky man to be surrounded by such talent!”


Of course, with that, the internet exploded with all sorts of reactions to the confirmed casting of Sylvester Stallone on The Suicide Squad, as he joins the already star-studded cast of Gunn’s latest project. Even if the movie is supposed to be released some time in 2021 on a totally uncertain date, fans are just buzzing with excitement.


Everyone knows that Stallone already played a comic book character in Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. As Stakar Ogord a.k.a. Starhawk, Sly played the role of a Ravager and complicated coworker of Michael Rooker’s Yondu. There weren’t many scenes Sly had to play with in that film, but he did end it with a heartwarming note when he and his fellow Ravagers paid tribute to Yondu upon his death.

James Gunn has always been a little bit of a wild card, and his Suicide Squad movie is no exception. There are so many celebs in the lineup as it is, so it’s anybody’s guess as to which character in the roster will meet their untimely death—it could even be Sly himself! And if so, which characters could he possibly play to make that character death all the sweeter?


  1. Rick Flag, Sr.


Rick Flag’s father will definitely be an interesting choice. As the former head of the original Task Force X, Richard Montgomery Flag also fought in World War II in a division called the Suicide Squadron—and nobody can play a dedicated and hardened war veteran than Sly, right? Could he possibly be involved in the rescue mission operation thingy we all saw from the teaser clips?


  1. Solomon Grundy


Wouldn’t it be absolutely cool to see Sly play as this lean, mean, undead machine? Grundy joined the team in Superman volume 2 #182 as a mere fright strategy, but Grundy can be so much more than that—he’s always been a complicated character in my opinion, and it’s about time he got the live-action treatment on the big screen, and with Sly playing him, no less!


  1. Some guy who dies right away


Much like Deadpool dealt with Brad Pitt’s character The Vanisher, Sly could just be some random dude who immediately gets killed off for the ultimate comedic effect. Anything is possible, and Gunn already set everyone’s expectations from the very beginning, saying that absolutely nobody (even Harley Quinn!) is safe in this legit “suicide” squad. Even if we only get to see Sly briefly before his character drops dead, we’ll definitely still take it!


Who do YOU think Sly should play in The Suicide Squad? Let us know what your thoughts are in the comments section below!