Batman V Superman is Man of Steel 2?

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

We previously reported that Batman V. Superman is now in post-production and Warner Bros. was looking to make Ben Affleck’s Batman a more prominent role in the film. However, according to Zack Snyder, Batman V Superman is essentially the Man of Steel sequel.

“I think in a way ‘Batman v Superman’ is ‘Man of Steel 2.’ ‘Justice League’ is kind of the transcendent, knights-of-the-round-table of the story. It’d be interesting to think about what a standalone Superman movie might be.”

So what is it? Is it a Batman movie? Is it a Superman sequel? I guess we’ll have to wait and see. What we do know is that Warner Bros. has not released any information regarding a Man of Steel sequel so it does not look like one is in the works at this time.

Batman V Superman acts as a sequel to Man of Steel
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice premieres March 25, 2016

It is quite certain that Henry Cavill’s Superman will be an integral part in the upcoming Justice League films.

Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice is hitting theaters March 25, 2016.

What do you think will come of the Man of Steel films? Do you want a stand alone sequel? What are your expectations for Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice?