DC’s Aquaman Takes the Spotlight on ‘Dawn of the Justice League!’


Yes, we were slapped in the face repeatedly, violently and incessantly with additional, previously unseen DC movie data! Who was responsible for this monstrous deluge of recently revealed, DC movie delicacies!?? Why, that responsibility falls on the shoulders of our friends Kevin Smith (Writer/Director) and Geoff Johns (DC’s Chief Creative Officer) during last night’s Dawn of the Justice League TV special! They talked about Batman V Superman, premiered a SECOND Suicide Squad trailer, and for the first time EVAH…they debuted footage from Wonder Woman’s forthcoming film. Yes!

Could it get better? Yes! How? They talked about the freaking JUSTICE LEAGUE, focusing on various characters with bits of canonical history and informative cast interviews. One character who received considerable (and well deserved) attention was Aquaman, portrayed by Actor Jason Momoa. Aquaman is a freaking Justice League staple, making an ‘appearance’ in March’s Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice! YES!

Geoff John, who actually wrote Aquaman for a number of issues during the character’s ‘New 52′ debut, introduced the Aquaman segment thusly:

“First, we got Aquaman. His name is Arthur Curry; he’s the son of a lighthouse keeper and the Queen of Atlantis. He starts to develop these powers. He can breathe underwater. He can communicate with sea life. He’s very strong.”

Then, actor Jason Momoa, set to don the yellow-brushed, seashell scale-mail armor to properly represent Atlantis’ true king in Batman v Superman, offered his perspective on the moderately conflicted Arthur Curry.

“He’s the only one that’s both: he’s human and he’s a god. I want to see him struggle with how he has these powers and he doesn’t know how to handle them. He hasn’t been trained.”

Johns elaborated on Aquaman’s dilemma, stating, “He grows up not really feeling like he belongs in either world. So he’s man trapped between two worlds, but has a responsibility to protect both of them.”

And then Kevin Smith drives home just how formidable, both personally and globally, Aquaman truly is.

“What is it? Three quarters of the world is covered by water? That’s his domain (big gesture to convey said sizable domain).”

Yes, Aquaman is pretty formidable. Think about it: the guy lives thousands of miles below sea level, incessantly subjected to thousands of pounds of pressure. Oh, and he moves through this environment faster than most sea-faring vessels. Is Aquaman bulletproof? Yes. Strong as all get out? Yes. Able to leap tall building in a single bound? Hell yeah.

Check out the video above for the full-length spotlight on Aquaman!!!!!