Deadpool Sidekick Auditions


James Cordon and Ryan Reynolds star in this above video where Cordon attempts to convince Ryan Reynolds that Deadpool needs a sidekick. Deadpool sidekick auditions? Why didn’t we get a chance to sign up for that? Oh, I guess it is because James Cordon brought a laugh track. Curse you! We didn’t think that far ahead. Suppose that’s why we don’t have a late night TV show…yet. Any-who, the Deadpool Sidekick Auditions comes to us from James Cordon’s show which starts at 12:35 AM Est. One thing is for certain…Ryan Reynolds is not amused. I kinda get the jist why!

So did Deadpool need a sidekick? Maybe Bob…(which they kinda snuck in). I definitely think that James Cordon might need to wait a couple of movies before getting a shot. You know what might give you a better chance then this guy? Some stuff from SuperheroStuff! We have all sorts of goodies for Marvel’s Merc with a Mouth and it definitely doesn’t involve suits that are too tight or aggravating Mr. Reynolds to that degree. I suppose you might be able to do that latter if you run into Ryan out and about but you should probably just leave him alone. I’m just looking out for you and your future prospects as the Regenerating Degenerate’s sidekick!