Disney Promo Shows off New Star Wars Footage


The unrelenting assault of Star Wars goodness just keeps on coming. I would complain about the never-ending torrent of Force-Imbued goodness, but let’s be honest…we are all hungry for more! YES, MORE! Plus, we aren’t really getting too many spoilers or plot hints from what I can tell but then again…I’ve avoided those 2 hour long videos on Youtube that break-down 45 seconds of footage. Where was I? Oh, yeah! The around a minute long trailer found above. This special promo from Disney shows off a couple of new shots and scenes from JJ Abrams’ Star Wars: The Force Awakens. As you can tell, this promo played on the Disney channel and it is definitely aimed at the little ones but at least we finally get a chance to hear General Hux speak! He has certainly come a long way from being tech support for Circe in Dredd to leading the New Imperial Navy, right? At least we can understand why he became so evil!

Star Wars: The Force Awakens stars Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Gwendoline Christie, and Max von Sydow and many others! Star Wars: The Force Awakens drops December 18th, 2015.