That’s certainly ominous, isn’t it? Speaking with BBC’s Newsbeat, Disney Supreme Overlord Bob Iger was upbeat about their recent workhorses of both Marvel and Star Wars. One could certainly see why – both properties have been making money hand over fist but should we ever be worried about an end point or over-saturation? Not for the foreseeable future that’s for sure if you listen to what Bob Iger had to say. On the future of Star Wars, Iger said, “There are five Star Wars films – four more with Episode VII: The Force Awakens – that are in varying stages of development and production. There will be more after that, I don’t know how many, I don’t know how often.” My guess is that the Star Wars franchise has now become the equivalent of a Mogwai in the fact that Disney now just apparently has to feed Star Wars after midnight and/or spill water on them to get more Star Wars. I don’t know about you folks but I’m pretty much okay with that.

As far as Disney’s Marvel division is concerned, we won’t be seeing an end to them either. “Marvel, you’re dealing with thousands and thousands of characters – that will go on forever,” stated Iger. He also then answered concerns about hitting the proverbial over-saturation of superheroes. “No, I don’t think they’re getting weary. But I think we keep raising the bar in terms of telling stories that bring them back, that excite them, that make it feel new and that is what we do for a living.” I wonder if we will ever get to see an Avengers/Star Wars crossover? Hmm…
No! No Star Wars/Marvel crossovers. That’s stupid.
Marvel characters speak of Star Wars as a movie franchise… to cross them over creates continuity issues that are very in-Marvel.
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