Most Anticipated Movies of 2016 from Fandango


It’s the start of a new year and the ticket-slingers at Fandango released their top 10 most anticipated movies of 2016 and surprise, surprise! It is totally dominated by comic book movies and sci-fi. Hey, that sort of rhymes. I guess us nerds really do rule the world now. Created by a combination of pre-sales and polls, this top 10 list shows us the roadmap to the big movies of 2016.

1. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (December 16th)

2. Finding Dory (June 17th)

3. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 25th)

4. Untitled Jason Bourne Movie (July 29th)

5. Captain America: Civil War (May 6th)

6. Star Trek Beyond

7. Independence Day: Resurgence (June 24th)

8. X-Men: Apocalypse (May 27th)

9. Zoolander 2 (February 12th)

10. The Jungle Book (April 15th)

No real surprises there, right? Actually, I’m kind of surprised that an untitled Jason Bourne movie can be bigger than Civil War but maybe he has a ton of fans or something! Also, how the heck is the Jungle Book on there? We already have a perfect cartoon! Who the heck is Fandango polling? Joking aside, 2016 is going to be a great year for movies and spending entirely too much on popcorn on soda. Prepare yourselves! A real shame they don’t have ‘season passes’ for these sort of things, right?

'How did Jason Bourne beat me?'
‘How did Jason Bourne beat me?’