Guardians of the Galaxy Director James Gunn Wants You to Vote, but Not for Groot

Guardians of the Galaxy Director James Gunn Wants You to Vote, But Not for Groot

Yep, Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn wants you to vote, but he wants your vote to remain effective, imploring you refrain from writing in “I am Groot.” Yes, the director responsible for Marvel’s big screen adaptation of Guardians of the Galaxy, a movie rife with snark and maturely conceived silliness, is actually beseeching us to think seriously for half a second.

Guardians of the Galaxy Director James Gunn Wants You to Vote, But Not for Groot
Vote first, then MAYBE you get the t-shirt.

And thinking seriously, and not writing in “I am Groot” on the ballet, will be difficult tasks considering the image of Groot’s presidential poster slapped on Gunn’s Instagram just a few minutes ago. But, if you take an additional microsecond to scan below the image, you’ll see Gunn’s heartfelt message; it’s a true call to action, and a reminder that this election is SUPREMELY important, considering the candidates are especially….questionable.

“Americans – As much as you may be tempted to write in, “I am Groot,” please don’t succumb to the modern malaise of saying there is no difference between the candidates or it doesn’t matter what you do. There IS an enormous difference between the two major candidates for President this year, and they will each affect the face of our country very differently. And, as has been shown in recent elections, your vote may be the difference between one or the other.
So please vote. Your voice deserves to be heard. This is your country, and your world. Vote your conscience and vote with love. I believe in all of you.”


So….I think I might have to vote again, if that’s possible/legal (no and no, but I really want to).