John Krasinski Tells Conan About His Captain America Screen Test

John Krasinski Tells Conan About His Captian America Screen Test
Does this look good on me?

Before Chris Evans landed the role of America’s biologically altered Sentinel of Liberty, Captain America, there was a short-list of talented actors vying for the role, including Ryan Phillippe…and John Krasinski (The Office, 13 Hours). In an interview with Conan O’Brien on his late-night, TBS talk show, Conan brought up Krasinski’s desire to wield the shield, leading Krasinski to reveal just how close he was to landing the role, and the specific details regarding his actual, Captain America screen test.

“In my head, I got the part [laughs]. It was a big deal for me because first of all, I love those Marvel movies, I love superheroes, I love IMAGINATION.  So when they asked me to test, they actually allowed me to put on the suit, I was on a set, it was all very interesting.  I feel like as I’m talking about this someone from Marvel [mimics shooting a blow dart]….I’m actually not SUPPOSED to talk about this but the only bummer of it was as I was putting on the suit and thinking this is so amazing; I got about right to my waist, I was still shirtless and feeling pretty good about myself – it wasn’t 13 Hours yet.  I felt pretty good.  And all of a sudden, Chris Hemsworth walks by in his Thor suit and went, ‘Hey, mate.’ And I went, ‘I’m good. This is stupid [mimes taking off pants].  I’m not Captain America, it’s fine. “

And yes, Chris Evans landed the role in 2010, but, well, what if Krasinski nailed it? I have a feeling it would have been a pre-“Batfleck” situation where people would shake fists and set lawn mowers on fire, decrying the obvious casting blunder perpetrated by the studio. But then, well, the movie would come out, he would do a solid job, and everyone would shut the hell up. Thoughts?