Josh Brolin Read Infinity War Script and Got Goose Bumps

Thanos wields the Infinity Gauntlet

Captain America: Civil War showed us how divided the Avengers can be but we all know that they’ll have to reform in order to defeat the upcoming big baddie Thanos, played by Josh Brolin. We’ve gotten little snippets of Marvel’s Mad Titan thus far – The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy come to mind. In a recent interview with Moviefone, Josh Brolin discussed what it is like to be Thanos, and how he got goosebumps after reading the script! That certainly sounds good but I don’t think anybody expects Marvel to let us down at this point.

“First of all, from a publicity point of view, or an interest, I’ve gotten more publicity playing Thanos, even though I haven’t done it yet, than all other movies combined,” stated Josh Brolin. “If there’s any blurb of publicity at all for me, it includes Thanos in some way or another. ‘By the way, he’s got “Hail, Caesar!” coming out. But don’t forget about Thanos — that’s coming out,’ which is amazing, which is really cool.” That’s definitely true! I can tell you as a writer that we are always picking up information about Josh Brolin and Thanos from him talking about another movie. Ironic, considering this was from a piece discussing Hail Caesar! At least he’s made his peace with it, right?

“Then the other side of it is really how much it means to people. It all comes down … these stories … these Avengers stories all come down to this conclusion, and that’s our involvement,” Josh Brolin continued. “Basically, my character against everybody. And it’s really fun what they’ve chosen to do with the story. I think it’s brilliant, personally. I was blown away, and had goose pimples pretty much 50% of the time that I was listening to what was going on, and pretty amazed that I’m going to be involved in it. So it’s a big thing that’s coming up.” Goosebumps? You mean he still reads those things? R.L. Stine will be so proud! Joking aside, Infinity War is definitely a climax that we’ve been marching towards since the start of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Hopefully it doesn’t disappoint!