Why Marvel Movies Look ‘Kind of Ugly’

Why Marvel Movies Look 'Kind of Ugly'
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It’s no secret that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been successful. To say otherwise is to deny the truth. Whether you enjoy the Marvel movies or not, they still generate ridiculous revenue — about $10.7 billion overall — and, in most cases, make nerd dreams come to life on the silver screen. From 2008’s Iron Man to the most recent release, Doctor Strange, the MCU is the home to a total of fourteen films, which will soon be twenty-one by the year 2020.

However, for all their success, all the money made, and all the wallpaper-worthy moments, Marvel has a big problem, at least according to one film-loving, Youtuber critic, Patrick (H) Willems.

In a video released just a few days ago, Willems criticized these fan-favorite films, but not because of their story, acting, or lack of connection to the comics, but because of Marvel’s lack of color-grading. Since they started shooting films with digital cameras, Marvel has opted to keep the dull, gray look from a digital camera instead of making their colors vibrant.

Now, one could argue they do this to help keep the films grounded, insisting on harsh, bland realism to contrast these heroes. However, the problem goes beyond just the Earthly Avenger movies. The lack of color grading can be found in Guardians of the Galaxy as well, which by no means should be grounded!

Here at The Source HQ we found this video not only intriguing, but we think it brings up some good points as well. Take a few minutes to check it out for yourself! Whether you’re a Marvel fan or a DC fan (who just wants something to hold over Marvel fans), we’re sure you’ll enjoy it!