More Images from IRON FIST Spotlight Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Claire Temple and More

More Images from IRON FIST Spotlight Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Claire Temple and More
Wear THIS, and turn your fist into a Chi-powered wrecking ball.

We were gut-punched by an overwhelming amount of crackling Chi energy after witnessing the Iron Fist teaser trailer back in October, and received subsequent beatings thanks to some great on-set images. Well, thanks to our good friends at IGN, we just received the first four, incredibly official stills from the forthcoming Netflix series including Danny Rand (Finn Jones) demonstrating his dazzling sword stance. OBSERVE!

More Images from IRON FIST Spotlight Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Claire Temple and More Is this Colleen Wing’s dojo? Claire tore off an advertisement to this very dojo at the end of Luke Cage, so…..probably.

More Images from IRON FIST Spotlight Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Claire Temple and More And here’s Colleeen Wing. Her ‘mere mortal’ kung-fu is most impressive.

More Images from IRON FIST Spotlight Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Claire Temple and More Joy (Jessica Stroup) and Ward Meachum (Tom Pelphrey) will probably make things difficult for Daniel Rand. Sure, they won’t assault him with poison sai or an assortment of chain weapons ending with a hook, but they’ll test his business acumen and attempt to subdue him unilaterally and financially. JERKS!

More Images from IRON FIST Spotlight Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Claire Temple and More There’s a plan forming here. Are they spying on Sigourney Weaver? Are they deciding to meet Luke Cage and instigate the whole “Heroes for Hire” thing?? Whatever it is they’re doing, we’re sure it’ll involve copious amounts of splendorous, glowing and cracking kung-fu.

Iron Fist debuts March 17th, 2017 on Netflix, starring Finn Jones as Iron Fist/Danny Rand, Jessica Henwick as Colleen Wing, Lewis Tan as Zhou Cheng, Craig Geraghty as Ringmaster, Rosario Dawson as Claire Temple and Simone Missick as Misty Knight.