New Image of Bloody Danny Rand on the Set of Marvel’s Iron Fist

New Image of Bloody Danny Rand on the Set of Marvel's Iron Fist
New Image of Bloody Danny Rand on the Set of Marvel's Iron Fist
Unlock your Chi! Now, wear it on your chest!

No, not “bloody” in the British sense, but bloody in the “trickling life-sustaining fluids” sense. Yes, in this new image of a bloody Danny Rand milling about the New York set of Marvel’s forthcoming Netflix offering, Iron Fist, it seems Mr. Rand’s currently off-screen antagonists will be…formidable. OBSERVE a moderately beaten Danny Rand.

New Image of Bloody Danny Rand on the Set of Marvel's Iron Fist
I can take a light post in the side just like any martial artist worth a damn.

And yes, there’s more than one image, but technically, we can’t show them to you. Click HERE to see the rest.

So I’m guessing Danny Rand/Iron Fist (Finn Jones) hasn’t mastered his CHI, considering CHI-mastery significantly increases one’s ability to heal.

And it seems we’re always getting images of a wounded or destitute Danny Rand. I hope things get better for the guy. I really, really do. Although, losing your family to an avalanche and being adopted by mystical Karate masters making their home in a magic, floating city a mere 3 dimensions to the left can really wear on a person.

Iron Fist debuts on Netflix sometime in 2017, starring Finn Jones as Iron Fist/Danny Rand, Jessica Henwick as Colleen Wing, Lewis Tan as Zhou Cheng, Craig Geraghty as Ringmaster, and Simone Missick as Misty Knight.