Nathan Fillion Wants To Be Who In DC?


Fan favorite and overly-charismatic Nathan Fillion was asked at the Chicago Wizard World Comic Con if he could be any character in the DC Universe, what would he play. Of course Captain Mal, err, Fillion has already lent his talents to voice acting Green Lantern Hal Jordan, but what if he were actually playing the part? A couple years ago, one might suspect him reprising his animated role but these days he’s a bit long in the tooth; his suggestion? Booster Gold!

“I think I could take a pretty good crack at Booster Gold. That’s kind of my niche… show-offy, vain. I think I could handle that… not too bright.” Said Fillion. And what if he couldn’t be Booster Gold? “I think Ambush Bug. Remember that guy? Little bit off his rocker. You’d never see my face. I think Greatest American Hero is due for a reboot.”

Nathan Fillion is known for his roles in Doctor Horrible Sing-a-long Blog, Firefly(and the movie Serenity), and the TV show Castle. What other roles could you see the legendary Browncoat in?

What DC role would you like to see Nathan Fillion in? Let us know in the comments section below!
