New Image of Wonder Woman on the Set of Batman V Superman!

New Image of Wonder Woman on the Set of Batman V Superman!

Photographer Clay Enos was a busy little beaver during the filming of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. He was there, behind the scenes, documenting a good portion of the filming with his handy camera and his perfectly framed snap-shots. Thanks to Enos’ Social Media acumen (translation: Twitter usage), these images – part of the special features included with the Batman V Superman Ultimate Edition – are making their way online for all to see, experience, and properly salivate over. Recently, Enos released the first photographic image of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman sharing the same stage-space. Now, Clay grants us a new image of Wonder Woman on the set of Batman V Superman. Observe!

New Image of Wonder Woman on the Set of Batman V Superman!
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Yep, it’s an image of Gal Gadot’s battle-ready Wonder Woman as she prepares to engage with Luthor’s abomination of misguided super-science, Doomsday! Will she prove capable of handling a foe genetically crafted with augmented, mutated, and drop-kicked Kryptonian DNA?? Oh, yes.

Batman V Superman: The Ultimate Edition is now available for HD streaming over multiple streaming platforms. The Blu-ray disc will be available for physical, collectible purchase and consumption on July 19th!

Have you seen the R-rated, extended cut? Yes? Well, what did you think? Did it make things….better? Let’s HEAR IT!


  1. She looks great! I am excited to watch the Ultimate Edition of BvS soon, hopefully it will help me like the movie more than I do.

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