Initial Reactions to Batman V Superman Are Overwhelmingly Positive

Initial reactions are positive!

So, critics can’t say anything too revealing about Batman V Superman until the official embargo is lifted on Tuesday at 6PM, EST. This is especially crappy since a good number of them actually saw the film Sunday night during its US premiere at the Radio City Music Hall in New York City. However, members of the press and individuals lucky enough to attend the premiere released their very spoiler-free impressions of the film. What’s the consensus? Well, these initial reactions to Batman V Superman are, thankfully, overwhelmingly positive. WHEW!

Firstly, Emma Gritt from UK publication, The Sun, released the following spoiler-free review:

“The intensity of the insanely long film is achieved with special effects, plot twists, geeky references and the volume being turned up to eleven from start to finish. While die-hard DC Comic devotees might be punching the air as the Justice League are teasingly introduced, the average film fan may be left scratching their head. Overall Zac Snyder’s Batman v Superman blockbuster is an emotionally charged punch-up — but it’s newcomer Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman who really steals the show.”

And now, a few other reactions to Batman V Superman from some very happy, fortunate premiere attendees!


So, it looks like Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice garnered some excellent reactions right out of the gate. This is good, considering my brain isn’t programmed to accept any potential negativity related to this particular film.

Debuting March 25, 2016, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice stars Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jesse Eisenberg, Amy Adams and Laurence Fishburne. Oh, and probably a lot of unhappy citizens caught in the crossfire when Superman and Batman indulge in a pee-pee contest.