Sell Your House: Reeve’s Superman Suit and Keaton’s Batsuit Are up for Auction

Sell Your House: Reeve's Superman Suit and Keaton's Batsuit Are up for Auction
For a mere $17.99, THIS can be yours WITHOUT refinancing your mortgage.

You know the few thousand you managed to save towards a house, car, or super-deluxe Moon Bounce? Well, it’s time to set your silly dreams of relative adulthood aside — Christopher Reeve’s iconic Superman suit and Michael Keaton’s Batman suit are currently listed on Nate D. Sanders Auctions, and the bidding starts at $40,000 and $35,000, respectively.

Yep, for a meager $40,000+ you can wear a part of the uniform adorned by the late Christopher Reeves in Richard Donner’s seminal Superman tale, Superman: The Movie. The auction site describes the uniform as a “muscle tunic,” which “features two stitched holes on the sides, used to attach the flying harness. Four snaps at top are for attaching the cape. Signature blue tunic is made complete with Superman’s large emblematic gold and red ‘S’ sewn onto the front.” Sorry, the tights, cape, and flying harness are NOT included. Neither is the abrupt dismissal of gravity when wearing said, symbol-emblazoned muscle tunic.

For a meager $35,000+ you can wear a good portion of the Batsuit donned by Michael Keaton during 1992’s Batman Returns. Almost fifteen years newer than Reeve’s super-suit, the Batsuit is in formed black rubber segments covered by the textured integral cape and cowl style mask, with long black leather gloves, boots, and gold plastic belt and bat symbol. Original parts of the costume worn in the film are the cowl, cape and body; the gloves, belt, insignia and shoes are replicas for the display.” If you’re not inclined to bid, this next part should do it: “costume comes displayed dramatically on a mannequin with chiseled face of Keaton.” Yep, I just placed a bid.

So, head on over to Nate D. Sanders Auctions and put in your bids soon-ish; you have until January 26th before both auctions close. And yeah, there are other historical items for sale, but they’re unrelated to Batman and Superman, so…..(*YAAAAAAWN*).