Snyder Not Under Pressure Regardless of BvS Performance

Snyder Not Under Pressure Regardless of BvS Performance

Soooo….yes, Batman V Superman’s reception was somewhat contentious, and the questionable narrative choices and uncharacteristic characterization contributed to a less-than-expected box office return. Because of these conflict-producing points, Warner Brothers made some significant, internal changes in order to prevent another BvS scenario; Ben Affleck was moved to Executive Producer, and Geoff Johns was moved into a position of creative oversight comparable to that of Marvel’s Kevin Feige. Regardless of BvS‘ lukewarm financial return and sometimes scalding critical response, Snyder mentioned he’s really not feeling any pressure or serious corporate expectations from Warner Brothers.

“I don’t think so. I would just say that, for me, Batman v Superman, I think there is a slight misconception about the shooting, anyway, about how much pressure there was on us and the pressure on the movie to perform in a certain way. From my point of view, and maybe just because I don’t know how to do it any other way, we make really personal movies. For me, anyway, I love the characters. I love comic books — maybe to a fault sometimes. Like, I dork out on these hardcore aspects of the comic books, because I’m a grown-up and I love that part of it.”

Snyder then elaborated on the filming of BvS, and how there was no corporate mandate to include Batman and Superman in the same movie; it was a naturally occurring idea that lent itself to creating and expanding the DC Cinematic Universe.

“I had a great time making the movie, and I don’t think that Warner Bros., when we were shooting the movie, that there was some sort of corporate mandate to get Batman and Superman in the movie,” he explained. “Chris [Terrio] and I kind of had that idea, and then it just so happened that that was a way towards Justice League — and it came along at a great time for us, as the studio was moving forward with the other DC titles and getting the DCU to exist. But I don’t think the birth of Batman v Superman was like some corporate conspiracy to sell tickets, or do whatever. I think it just became this great vehicle that had a lot of focus put on it because of where it ended up in the timeline, you know?”

What do you think?