Star Wars: The Force Awakens to Make 300 Million First Day?

Star Wars currency

So we all know Star Wars: The Force Awakens was going to be big, but I’m not sure we thought it was going to be this big! At first, many sources reported that the movie already made 100 million dollars in presales and managed to crash Fandango’s website during the night they went on sale, but current estimates have the move tracking at a low end of 170 million dollars and up to 300 million dollars domestically. For all intents and purposes, many believe the movie will make half a billion dollars worldwide on the first day alone. That’s a pretty staggering amount, all things considered, and I wouldn’t think it would be that much of a far cry if the movie topped out at 3 billion dollars – we are just going to skip right past the 2 billion dollar mark! JJ Abrams must be so proud.

According to Deadline, “Force Awakens is strong across all men and women under/over 25 with males a tad higher. Overall first choice is 21%, total awareness is 89%, definite awareness is 64% and unaided awareness –that part of B.O. polling that doesn’t lead respondents toward naming a specific film — is a very strong 25%.” That is huge for you numbers nerds out there! How big do you think Star Wars can truly get? Either way, Disney is sure to make back that four-billion dollars they spent on purchasing the universe of Star Wars!


  1. No way, it just isn’t possible. It’s going to make a lot of money, but not $300m from ticket sales in one day.

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