UPDATE: Deadpool Appearance in LOGAN Denied by James Mangold and Ryan Reynolds

UPDATE: Deadpool Appearance in LOGAN Denied by James Mangold and Ryan Reynolds

So….that whole thing about a Deadpool appearance in LOGAN, or in an after-credits scene following the film? Well, Ryan Reynolds, your favorite-est Deadpool, and James Mangold, the actual, official, and bankable LOGAN director, are saying The Wrap’s article, specifically its reporter, is full of milky and irradiated doo-doo. Case in point:

And then Ryan Reynolds chimed in with…

And then Hugh Jackman offered his support with…

The actual reporter, the notorious Umberto Gonzales (elmayimbe), said the story was “for the yucks,” but if this is how he backtracks, it lends to the poignancy of his erroneous reporting.

Anyway, just wanted to keep you abreast of the latest backlash regarding a story that started out cool, but turned to absolute sh*t in our collective, crunchy fan-brisket.