Wonder Woman’s Day Job Revealed in Batman V Superman!

Wonder Woman has a day job!

A recent photo uploaded to a Wonder Woman-centric Instagram account displayed a very well-made, seemingly ceramic Wonder Woman bust based on the character’s appearance in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. What was especially interesting was the character description included on the bust’s elaborate packaging; basically, it revealed Wonder Woman’s day job in Batman V Superman. Now, before you go any further, please realize that the following information is very slightly spoiler-ish. Still interested? Okay then; OBSERVE!

Okay, yes, I realize the description is smallish and the picture is taken from a terribly inappropriate distance. Because of this, I typed the full character description for you below. You’re welcome!

“The world’s first and foremost female Super Hero, Wonder Woman at once embodies the unrivaled force and supreme grace of a born warrior, and the genuine compassion and understanding of a true humanitarian. As a symbol of equality, power, and truth, her natural confidence and unmistakable intelligence make her an unequaled, if unexpected, ally.

The immortal Amazonian Princess Diana keeps her eyes and ears open for intrigue as the beautiful and mysterious antiquities dealer, Diana Prince.”

Yep, she’s an antiques dealers. Sounds a little safe and even a little innocuous, but if you think about it, this makes perfect sense. Look, she’s been wondering the earth for like, 5,000 years. I’m sure she’s accumulated quite a few novelties acting as sentimental touchstones to countless, memorable lives. Awwwww.

Debuting March 25, 2016, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice stars Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jesse Eisenberg, Amy Adams and Laurence Fishburne. Oh, and probably a lot of unhappy citizens caught in the crossfire when Superman and Batman indulge in a pee-pee contest.