Zack Snyder Wants Batfleck to Stick Around


Zack Snyder’s been in some hot water as of late. Can’t imagine why! Joking aside, while in a recent interview, Zack Snyder said how he wanted and still hopes that Ben Affleck’s Batfleck sticks around. The Batfleck has been one of the better received aspects of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice even if people weren’t entirely keen on the portrayal of the Dark Knight. “I keep working on him, he’s always said he’s a one movie at a time guy. He’s finishing editing his film, Live By Night and then he comes to Justice League and then after that, I think he’s going to try and develop the story. Then we’ll see if he likes it,” said Snyder. Yes, that’s right folks…Ben Affleck has already written his script, but will he direct and star in it?

Zack Snyder answered, “Oh yeah, for sure. I think he would. I think that’s kind of the prerequisite, hopefully, for him doing [the film].” So I guess that’s how WB has decided to keep Ben Affleck around as the Batfleck…give him total freaking control! It must be nice to be able to write, direct, and star in your own movie! Hopefully he can keep everything together and moving forward in the future of DC/WB movies! Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is out now and stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter and Gal Gadot.