Check out the First 5 Minutes of AMC’s Preacher!


YES! I just watched it, and I was MOVED! I’ve been telling you folks, over and over again, that AMC’s Preacher – based on the titular, unabashedly dark comic book series released through DC’s mature readers imprint, Vertigo – is going to be amazing. Look, your responses to these Preacher posts have been predominantly listless, and honestly, a little embarrassing. Seriously, you’re going to punch yourself right in the face if you miss the world premiere of Preacher this Sunday at 10pm on AMC. Because of this, because both myself and AMC are very much against you punching yourself in the face, leaving you unable to chew on Twix bars for at least six weeks, the network just released the very first five minutes of the very first episode! Look up, press play, and check out the first 5 minutes of AMC’s Preacher!

Firstly, we have Genesis, the Angel/Demon hybrid making planet-fall and attempting to find a capable host. Unfortunately, after said, initial host displays an oddly persuasive power-set, host goes…. BOOM!

Jesse Custer (Dominic Cooper) rises from slumber, and walks to the beginning of his Church’s long, dusty driveway. There, he corrects some purposely rearranged letters on the Church billboard; he would prefer his congregation read the words, “Open your hearts and souls to Jesus,” and not, “Open your @$$ and holes to Jesus.” This series…this series is going to head-butt the hell out of a few social boundaries.

Dear Jesus,

Sorry about this. You know I didn’t mean anything by it.
