Netflix recently released the final Luke Cage trailer featuring a SIGNIFICANT helping of brand new footage. And this is appreciated and timely, considering the latest Netflix/Marvel offering debuts September 30th! Anyway, this brand new trailer focuses on Cornell “Cottonmouth” Stokes (Mahershala Ali), the violent maintenance of his empire, the inclusion of his politically savvy sister, Mariah Dillard (Alfre Woodard), and one nearly invincible Harlem-ite who recently reached his breaking point. And yes, that last bit is referencing Luke Cage. Anyway, look up! Press Play! ENJOY!
Cornell is concerned with maintaining his power, his Legacy. Mariah is quite convinced true power lies in politics. So, I suppose throwing the competition from rooftops isn’t as effective as say, gaining a majority vote on lowering sugar levels in soda. Or something.
OH! And then Luke Cage says, “Sweet Christmas” when running into a familiar face during a forcefully interrupted robbery. Folks, it’s official: I already love this series.
Beating the hell out of you with a bathroom sink, Luke Cage debuts September 30th on Netflix and stars Mike Colter (Luke Cage), Alfre Woodard (Mariah Dillard), Frankie Faison (Pop), Simone Missick (Misty Knight), Theo Rossi (Alvarez), Erik LaRay Harvey (Diamondback), Frank Whaley (Detective Scarfe), and Mahershala Ali (Cornell Stokes).