Heads up Whovians! There is a Doctor Who spin-off coming to BBC Three. The series will debut in October 22 and feature an appearance by the 12th Doctor himself, Peter Capaldi.
Series creator, Patrick Ness, told The Telegraph:
“At last, we can tell you a little more about Class!  Though there are still many, many secrets to come. Many. Like, a lot. But of course the Doctor is in episode one! That’s how these things are done. Truly, though, I can’t wait for everyone to see the show; we’ve worked so hard and I’m so proud of it.”

The spin-off, Class, will be set in the fictional Coal Hill School in Shoreditch, which has been part of the Whoniverse since the very first episode, 1963’s An Unearthly Child. The school also showed up in 1988’s Remembrance of the Daleks. Most recently, Coal Hill was the secondary school where the Doctor’s latest companion, Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman), worked as a teacher.
There aren’t a lot more details available at the moment, but the BBC has said the series follows four alienated students who are:
“charged with a great responsibility by the mysterious alien known as the Doctor: guard against the creatures of nightmare that want nothing more than to find a way through to Earth and take it for their own.”
As of this writing, Capaldi is only scheduled to appear in the pilot episode, but you never know when or where the Doctor will land his TARDIS.
Class’ four star students are played by Greg Austin (Mr. Selfridge), Sophie Hopkins, Fady Elsayed (Brotherhood) and newcomer Vivian Oparah, while The Night Manager’s Katherine Kelly appears as their physics teacher, Miss Quill.
Peter Capaldi was enthusiastic about working with the show’s young stars:
“The Doctor Who family is growing. It’s fantastic to be able to welcome the young new cast of Class into the Whoniverse.”
What say you, Whovians? Are you excited about this newest addition to the Doctor Who universe? Talk about it below.