New-NEW Jessica Jones Teaser-Trailer from Netflix


Marvel and Netflix want you to start getting excited about their new, upcoming series Jessica Jones. If you have been living underneath a rock, Jessica Jones stars Krysten Ritter as a former/current superhero who has her own detective agency and uses her talents and skills to help protect the weak and innocent and all that jazz! You guys know the drill by this point, right? Let’s just hope you have Netflix!

Krysten Ritter
So mysterious!

As you can see by the above trailer, Jessica Jones is taking a relaxed stroll through a familiar little slice of Hell’s Kitchen and then…springs into action! I guess she still has a wee bit of those powers; either that or her shoes have some serious ‘ups’. Within the context of the comics, she is immensely powerful and has the ability to fly. I’m not really sure if we’ll get to see all of that though! The real question is, do you think that we’ll get to see Charlie Cox’s Daredevil appear in Jessica Jones? They are pretty much in the same neighborhood after-all! They would have to see each other at the home-owners association meetings, right? They have those? Bah, sorry about that. I get a little sidetracked when I see teaser-trailers and when I think about super jumpy shoes. Jessica Jones kicks off November 20th on Netflix.