Supergirl Debut and Early Reviews!

Supergirl affecting the proud stance!
Photo of actress Melissa Benoist in costume for the new CBS series Supergirl. (Photo by Bonnie Osborne)

The Supergirl TV series debuts tonight at 8:30pm on CBS, and we here at The Source are…Super-excited! Why are we excited? Well, for the last few weeks, CBS has been littering Supergirl’s official Facebook page with some amazing looking clips. Check out this latest clip from Supergirl’s Facebook page showing Kal-El’s capable cousin in super-action!

Here we see Supergirl take on her very first opponent: a fiery, earthbound aircraft bereft of fully operational wing pieces! We also see her taking the hand of another familiar super-character, applying a flying double-kick to an extraordinarily axed adversary, and flying with incredible determination towards…something that demands her immediate attention.

Are we impressed? Heck yes! And we’re not the only ones. Check out this flurry of reviews posted by those lucky enough to catch the show before tonight’s debut!

“It’s long past time that a superhero series had a female lead—and long past time we had a modern Superman story with heart.” —Mashable

“Supergirl’s Kara, played by the endearing Melissa Benoist, is a true millenial heroine.” —Mashable

“Co-writers Ali Adler, Greg Berlanti, and Andrew Kreisberg have smartly fit Supergirl’s origin story to a very current, feminist theme: that women must overcome being socialized to say sorry, to put themselves second, to efface themselves. It’s a superhero story whose motto could be: ‘Up, up and lean in!'” —The New York Times

“The series developed by Greg Berlanti, Ali Adler, and Andrew Kreisberg adroitly handles issues of contemporary feminism, family dynamics … and a cascade of villains.”- Deadline

” …A stellar, sharp performance from a long-missed Calista Flockhart as Kara’s mogul boss unveils a series prepared to leap glass ceilings and more in a long-term bound.” —Deadline

You should really check out the strong and smart series that finally put a woman in the lead in this latest age of superheroes.” —Deadline

“Supergirl’s Melissa Benoist is a soaring vision of female empowerment.” —LA Times Primetime.

“In Benoist, Supergirl has a perfect leading lady.” —The Hollywood Reporter

“Come for Flockhart’s chewing scenery.” —The Hollywood Reporter

“Supergirl doesn’t soft-pedal its message, but rather delivers it with an enthusiastic bluntness that harkens back to its comic roots.” —The Hollywood Reporter

At age twelve, Kara Zor-El escaped the destruction of planet Krypton to not only survive, but to protect her younger cousin, Kal-El. Of course, space being what it is, stuffed to the gills with a volatile space-time continuum, Kara landed on Earth thirty years after the arrival of her cousin. WHOOPS!

Ready for tonight’s episode of CBS’ Supergirl? Are you happy? Elated? Concerned? Underwhelmed? Let us know below!