Superman Comes to Supergirl’s Aid in First Clip from Supergirl Season 2!

Superman Comes to Supergirl's Aid in Frist Clip from Supergirl Season 2!
I will help you after I change out of THIS!

It’s the first, full-length clip from Supergirl season 2, and it features Kara’s meddling cousin, Superman, adding his ability to lift 17-million tons in an effort to stymie the lethal decent of a currently unspecified spacecraft. I mean, c’mon, Superman. Kara’s got this! Okay, they’re cousins, they get along, and Kara really appreciates the help; no one is stepping on any toes here. Anyway, look down, press play, and enjoy the first full clip from Supergirl Season 2!

Honestly, the best part is a stammering Clark Kent engaged in an aggressive phone conversation with Perry White. And then he uses the phrase, “lickety split.”

I’m sold.

“In Season One, Supergirl soared fighting crime and battling various villains, chief among them two Kryptonians who were intent on destroying earth, but she has yet to find that same empowerment as Kara Danvers. Now, in Season Two, Kara has left the safety of being Cat Grant’s assistant in order to figure out what she really wants to do, while as Supergirl she continues to work at the DEO., protecting the citizens of National City and searching for Jeremiah and Cadmus. Along the way, she will team up with Superman (Tyler Hoechlin) to battle new villains, as she strives to balance her personal life with her life as a superhero.”

Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist as Supergirl/Kara Danvers, Tyler Hoechlin as Superman/Clark Kent/Kal-El, Calista Flockheart as Cat Grant, Mehcad Brooks as James Olsen, Chyker Leigh as Alex Danvers, Jeremy Jordan as Winn Schott, and David Harewood as the g-darn Martian Manhunter!