New Daredevil Event Coming in February: Running with the Devil

New Daredevil Event Coming in February: Running With the Devil
I will forever object to your terrible attitude!

This February, the Man Without Fear will FINALLY have another event, which will hopefully reveal his latest secrets. The present run of Daredevil, written by Charles Soule, has been shrouded in mystery. Citizens of New York City have no recollection that their assistant district attorney Matthew Murdock is actually Daredevil, who has taken back the streets with the help of his new sidekick, Blindspot. In a meeting with Spider-Man, DD revealed that he had a hand in this memory wipe, yet readers have no idea how it all occurred. However, it looks like fans of the horned hero will get some much needed answers in the coming event, “Running with the Devil.” The Source has all the necessary info to effectively prepare you for this exciting development!


New Daredevil Event Coming in February: Running With the Devil
The Man Without Fear might finally feel fear in February!

First and foremost, the “Running with the Devil” event will begin in the current Daredevil comic series, specifically Daredevil #17. According to Charles Soule, in an interview with, the series up until this point has just been an opportunity to lay the groundwork for the coming epic.

“I like writing this way—dropping little hints early on that turn into something bigger down the road—and I’ve done it on a number of my longer runs on titles so far. For DAREDEVIL, it was important to me to tell a story that felt like only I could tell; something that connected to my own experiences as an attorney, as well as my understanding of Daredevil as a character. The big story is about the way Daredevil just will not give up, even when the situations he finds himself in would break anyone else. “Running with the Devil” is the start of something even bigger, which will tie in characters from Daredevil’s world—Bullseye, Elektra, Kingpin, and many others—and come to one hell of a peak.”


New Daredevil Event Coming in February: Running With the Devil
Because you can’t keep a good assassin down!

Over a year after her last solo series ended, Elektra, a Frank Miller creation, will return for her own title in February of 2017; however, this time around, the setting will be something Elektra fans have never seen before: Sin City — not Frank Miller’s Sin City, but the real one, Las Vegas.

Behind the series will be Matt Owens, who wrote for Marvel’s Luke Cage series on Netflix. Elektra will be his first time writing a comic book series, but according to artist Alec Morgan’s comments on this new series, that lack of experience doesn’t seem to be an issue:

“When we find Elektra in this story she is trying to hide in plain sight. She’s running. From everything. Vegas is a place that is extremely unfamiliar to her so that makes it perfect for her to hide out. But much like New York, Vegas has a dark side. And Elektra may not be able to stay out of trouble for long.” 

In the series — or at least the start of it — Elektra will be facing off against a classic Marvel villain: Arcade, the malicious mastermind behind multiple cinematic murders.

Morgan also mentioned, “[Arcade] is so kooky. But at the same time he is not someone to be underestimated. He’s a brilliant inventor and a sadistic killer. He’s incredibly dangerous. It’s a different kind of threat for Elektra. As far as his interest in Elektra, she is one of the most formidable killers in the Marvel Universe. She fits perfectly into the new game he has constructed. So when she comes on his radar he simply can’t resist!”

By doing something so drastically different with Elektra, a character who is usually placed in only a few types of storylines, it’s hard not to be excited for what Owens and Morgan will do with Elektra next year!


New Daredevil Event Coming in February: Running with the Devil
It’s gonna have big guns and big kill counts!

Similarly, writer Ed Brisson and artist Guillermo Sanna will be attempting something new with one of Daredevil’s most sadistic, intriguing villains: Bullseye. Also debuting in February 2017, this Bullseye solo series will focus on the titular villain maintaining a balance between crazy killer and calm, clever assassin. Either way, there is sure to be more than enough murder to fill each book’s pages.

In speaking to, Brisson confirmed this fact himself, stating, “[The series] won’t change the Bullseye we see. He’s always going to be that same crazy dude who’s out to kill and isn’t going to be bothered about who’s in his way. We’re going to see a man who walks that balance between the two sides well. There is always going to be a very specific method to his madness.”

Madness always seems to make for great stories, and we here at The Source are sure Bullseye will be no exception!      

Last but Not Least: Kingpin

New Daredevil Event Coming in February: Running with the Devil
He wears white and will undoubtedly cause some fright! Watch out, DD!

If you have been enjoying Marvel’s Civil War II: Kingpin comics, then you are in luck! For the last series, which will be a player in the “Running with the Devil” narrative, writer Matthew Rosenberg will be returning to continue his own journey with the Kingpin. In February 2017, Kingpin’s narrative will continue, ultimately leading him into a confrontation with Daredevil once again, but given the other two impending series, it looks like Kingpin will not be the only one crashing back into Daredevil’s life.

Someone throw on some Thin Lizzy because the boys — and Elektra — are back in town!

Keep checking back with The Source for more updates on “Running with the Devil” and all the rest of your favorites comics, comic book movies, and comic book TV shows!