Iron Fist Aggressively Questions a Perp in One of Two New Images for THE DEFENDERS

Iron Fist Agressively Questions a Perp in One of Two New Images for THE DEFENDERS
Wear THIS, and question all suspicious individuals with extreme prejudice!

Amidst a bountiful selection of images released by our good friends at EW, and the revelation of Sigourney Weaver’s previously mysterious villainess, it’s been a DEFENDERS-heavy handful of days. Compounding the moderate DEFENDERS media blitz is the release of two additional images thanks to our good friends at Bleeding Cool. Yes, we just received two new images for THE DEFENDERS, and one of them might be the last time we see a particularly masked perp with the average number of appendages.


Iron Fist Agressively Questions a Perp in One of Two New Images for THE DEFENDERSCatching up with Trish! Well, at least Trish is outside the panic room, or not currently allowing a Krav Maga master to beat the spit out of her for 17 hours a day.

Iron Fist Agressively Questions a Perp in One of Two New Images for THE DEFENDERSWho in the hell has raised the usually well-hidden ire of Danny Rand, aka Iron Fist? Could this mysterious individual have ties to The Hand? How about Madame Gao? How about…uh…Heisenberg?? My money’s on option #’s 1 and 2.

The Defenders debuts on Netflix in September of 2017, starring Charlie Cox as Daredevil, Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones, Finn Jones as Iron Fist, Mike Colter as Luke Cage, Rosario Dawson as Claire Temple, Deborah Ann Woll as Karen Page, Simone Missick as the absolutely stunning in EVERY WAY Misty Knight, Elodie Yung as Elektra, Scott Glenn as the returning, cantankerous Stick, Elden Henson as Foggy Nelson, and Sigourney Weaver as….Alexandra.