Breaking Down the ‘Justice League’ Sizzle Reel Celebrating the UK Wrap-up

Breaking Down the 'Justice League' Sizzle Reel Celebrating the UK Wrap-up

To celebrate completing principle photography on Justice League, director Zack Snyder released a Justice League sizzle reel on his Twitter account!

The video begins with the voice over of Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) from the first trailer searching for Aquaman (Jason Momoa). Then, the reel goes right into some behind-the-scenes footage of Snyder directing all the heroes we know and love. It’s filled with awesome shots of the cast training…

Breaking Down the 'Justice League' Sizzle Reel Celebrating the UK Wrap-up
….is a good life.

….what I’m guessing is Batman showing off the Batcave to his new teammates…


Everyone goofing around and smiling on set…

Breaking Down the 'Justice League' Sizzle Reel Celebrating the UK Wrap-up
I’m doing this to 5,000 cameras simultaneously.
Breaking Down the 'Justice League' Sizzle Reel Celebrating the UK Wrap-up
Someone misplaced a trident…
Breaking Down the 'Justice League' Sizzle Reel Celebrating the UK Wrap-up
I am….a little unruly.

A brief confirmation of Superman’s “return”…

Breaking Down the 'Justice League' Sizzle Reel Celebrating the UK Wrap-up
Hold the cake like this…

Wonder Woman deflecting something comparable to the force of the sun….

Breaking Down the 'Justice League' Sizzle Reel Celebrating the UK Wrap-up
I…can..take …it!

And, in conclusion, a group shot of the cast and crew of Justice League and Snyder thanking them all.

Breaking Down the 'Justice League' Sizzle Reel Celebrating the UK Wrap-up
Thank you, everyone!
Breaking Down the 'Justice League' Sizzle Reel Celebrating the UK Wrap-up
We’re here to help!

Since some people complained Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice was too dark and dour, it seems like Snyder and co. listened. Gone are Batman and Superman silently brooding. Now, we see Affleck, Henry Cavill (Superman), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), Jason Momoa (Aquaman), Ray Fisher (Cyborg) and Ezra Miller (the Flash) smiling and looking like they are having fun. This may be PR damage control after the mixed reception to BVS, but it’s good to see Snyder and the studio are listening to fan’s opinions and taking them into effect.

Overall, I have a strong feeling Justice League will be better received than both Man of Steel and BVS. The footage seems lighter in tone, but retains Snyder’s signature visual look of muted colors and cool cinematography.

Wonder Woman, starring Gadot and directed by Patty Jenkins, hits theaters June 2nd, 2017.

Justice League will be released November 17th, 2017.

What do you think of Zack Snyder’s sizzle reel? Did it get you excited for DC’s team-up movie? Think it’ll be more of the same? Let me know in the comments below!