Spoilers Ahead!Â

Ever since Moon Knight #8 ended with the seemingly real Marc Spector confronting his other personalities, The Source has eagerly awaited the arrival of Moon Knight #9! With each part of Marc’s psyche present, maybe we can finally get some answers and discover where the story has been leading us all along. So far in the series, Marc has escaped a mental hospital, tried to kill himself to escape Khonshu, and separated himself into three, distinct people. Now, the Marc who has escaped has (somehow) summoned those three personalities: Jake Lockley as Moon Knight, Steven Grant the movie producer, and Marc Spector, the space-wolf-fighting pilot. The Source will, as always, recount and analyze the plot, and tell you how it is in our Moon Knight #9 review.
The Story: Â
As the issue opens, the space pilot version of Marc Spector narrates the tale, recounting the backstory regarding the space-wolves’ rise to power. As with any apocalyptic Marvel story, once the Avengers succumb to disease, a zombie virus, or even a robot army, humanity is pretty much doomed. Following this completely rational cliche, the space-wolves went for the Avengers first. Humanity, with the help of Marc Spector, retreated to a colony on the moon. As his story comes to a close, Marc,with plenty of rage in his eyes, asks, “None of it was real?”
The seemingly real Marc Spector, who resides in the familiar version of New York City covered by sand, simply replies, “I’m sorry. But none of you are real. I wasn’t sure I was either, not for a while. But now I know I am.”
Naturally, each personality is taken back by this, refusing to believe. If what had happened before felt real, how could it not be? However, Marc acknowledges that each of them are just a personality, one piece of him. One by one, the real Marc Spector confronts them. As he turns to space pilot Marc Spector, he seems confused; the real Marc doesn’t even recognize this personality, so the space pilot begins to vanish into dust. To avoid a similar fate, Jake Lockley, dressed as Moon Knight, fights back, but Marc reluctantly and apologetically kills him.
With only one alter-ego left, Marc turns, ready to face whatever lies ahead, and finds Steven Grant gone. Eventually, Marc is able to track him down and finds Steven hiding in an office. Perplexed, Steven recalls his favorite memories: corn dogs on Coney Island with dad, seeing Empire Strikes Back, and even losing his virginity. He begs Marc to know how none of it could be real. In perhaps one of the sweetest moments in Moon Knight history, Marc leans down to Steven to explain how he came to be. At first, Marc was a child with Steven as an imaginary friend, but later on, Marc became Steven, then Jake, and then Moon Knight. He explains that Moon Knight was supposed to be the answer, the cause that binds them, but instead — thanks in part to Khonshu — Marc lost himself. Compassionately, Steven hugs Marc, making them one again and leaving Marc alone in the world of sand and silence.
With his mind at ease and identity found, Marc rises, stronger than ever before, and he’s ready to kill a god — the Egyptian god of the moon, of vengeance, and the protector of travelers in the night: Khonshu.Â
While there is not an abundance of action, considering the issue centers around Marc discussing reality with his personalities, the story itself is still fantastic. In the grand scheme of Lemire’s Moon Knight series, it’s not the climax, but for this second act, it is climatic in its own way. No, it’s not a final stand of Avengers, X-Men, and more against Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet, but for Marc’s purposes, in this small corner of the Marvel Universe, it may as well be.
Moon Knight has almost always been a character associated with psychological issues and story elements, and Jeff Lemire found a way to bring that to a climax here in Moon Knight #9 (along with the incredible art by an extremely talented team). Â
Be sure to catch The Source’s review of next month’s Moon Knight #10 in the new-moon year!Â